November 2018, Paperback, 8.5 x 11; Centre A
I had the honour to collaborate in this publication under Shizen Jambor and Christian Vistan's Papag project.
The Ecological Citizen: A Peer Reviewed Ecocentric Journal
July 2017, Digital Publication; read pdf here
I participated in this publication by submitting two illustrations related to their articles, feel free to download the pdf in the link above.
Something Else
January 2017, Paperback, 6 x 9
This publication was launched along the show "It was something and then it became something else" which ran in Vancouver from January 2017 until March that same year.
August 2015, Newspaper, 11 x 15
This project was printed on a newspaper and distributed freely. The images display chairs collected from walks performed in Vancouver at the beginning of 2015. The chairs are stacked along images of varieties of corn that are indigenous to Mexico.
-click on the image to read book
Vancouver Tortilla Map
August 2015, Process book, digital
This book intends to collect various spots around Vancouver where tortillas are available, the book also covers a comparison between fast food tacos and street tacos in Mexico along an essay about the poetic motion between North American countries.
-click on the image to read book
La Mordida de Suarez
August 2014, Comic book, ink on paper and digital versions, 11 x 17 in
This short story depicts the relationship between two different generations. One restless while the other contemplative and meditative. Soccer is the excuse for this even to take place.
-click on the image to read book
Tidskriften Skeppet vol. 5
2012, Text Illustration, ink and pencil on paper and digital versions, 11 x 17 in
This project was a collaboration with Salomon Rogberg, he wrote a piece about Álvaro Bisama's endless search and mapping of Roberto Bolaño's whereabouts. The article only exists in Swedish but you can download the PDF